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Wednesday 18 March 2015

How To Achieve More Fuel Efficiency From Your Bike Part 2


Adjust your chain 
dirty chain absorbs engine's precious horsepower

Loose chain is going to result in unexpected  damage to bike's drive chain causing some premature wear outs to sprockets and gears, On the twistside , over tight chain causes strain on drive shaft bearings and wheel thus reduces power transmitted through gears. Increase in mechanical drag results poor fuel economy. Adjusting chain tension can be done by anyone , just make sure that it's adjusted according to riders load , read in your bike's owner manual for chain adjustment parameters. Another major factor regarding chain that robs your engine's horsepower is chain lubrication, dried out chain requires more mechanical workload to get job done, therefor it is advised to lubricate your chain at the interval of every 700 to 800 kilometers if it is closed type chain, On the open type chain make habit to lubricate your chain at every 400 to 500 kilometers along with chain cleaning at 900 to 1000 km interval because open type chain grabs dirt much frequently.

Engine oil          
Engine oil acts as lubricant and detergent element to your engine, there are many moving parts working in conjunction in motorcycle engine, every time you do twist the throttle some type of mechanical friction takes place there. Engine oil provides slippage to those frictions also engine oil works as cooling agent in engine block but the properties of engine oil lasts longer to few thousand kilometers, after which thickness molecular bonds of oil gave ups and starts to break into smaller molecules and at this point that particular engine oil needs to be replace with new one as older engine oil unable to save engine from heavy mechanical frictions. Usually for commuter rider who ride their bike upto 60% rev band on an average it is recommend to change engine oil at 5000 to 6500 kilometers for mint fuel economy and engine life. For sports riders and enthusiast who usually keeps their rev band upto 80 percent on an average it's recommended to change their engine oil at 3500 to 4500 kilometers.If your bike is older than 4000 to 5000 kilometers try to use fully synthetic engine oils such as Motul 7100 regularly which reduced mechanical friction dramatically and thus bike return's better fuel economy also fully synthetic engine oil increases oil drain period. for commuter upto 8000 kilometers, for sports riders and enthusiasts upto 6000 kilometers.

Keep air filter clean    
difference between clean and dirty air filter

Airfilter is like nostrils of your bike's engine, air passes towards engine get's filter through airfilter , and if you use to travel from dusty environments, chances of getting your air filler clogged increases, therefor keeping your airfilter clean is very important for good fuel efficiency. If ever your bike happened to run with stutter in acceleration, empty fuel like sensation while constant throttle and inconsistency in rev needle of tachometer this ultimately points towards clogged and dirty airfilter. You have to clean that air filter with air-wash or replace if it's too much clogged. Clean airfilter helps to breath your engine smoothly and increases fuel economy.     

Understand your engine

Try to run your engine as smoothly as possible in other words run your bike in such cruising speed where engine's camshafts, valves works in perfect conjunction. No one can understand your bike's nature except you ! try to find that sweet spot for engine where your engine run's in perfect balance of speed and stress also try to avoid over-revving this will surely help to achieve better fuel economy.   




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